Michael P.'s review of A1 Bonded Termite, Inc.

A1 Bonded Termite, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/28/2011
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Review 8/28/2011
we are renters and they were hired by our lanlord to do his house. we had got only 20 bags to do all the packing and it was suppose to be doubled baged. on the Friday when we got the bags we told them we did not a have a enough bags. they waited tell the last minute(that day! Wendsday) to give us more bags.
we were told we had to take our dogs away. when we mentioned the 3 cats we had they said we did not need to have the cats go. because they are careful when putting up the tent. on the day they came after we had said we stay while the put up the tent to make sure the cats would not get near the tent. they said that we had to sign a documnet to take the cats away. we were not happy because we had already talked to them about this and they seemed fine. we feel they discriminated agianst us because we are renters and not the ownners of the house. not to mentioned my wife kept calling up to make sure we were doing all the right things! AND GINA WAS NOT VERY NICE TO US OR THE GUYS WHO CAME THAT DAY! my wife was blinded sighted by the way they were treating her! so that day she said she sign the documents that we would be responsable for the cats, but that she wanted to put notes down stataing that we were never told that we had to sign this documnet. and that she would sign it even though she felt she was putting us in cornner!!!! then my wife went to call Gina at the office and ask to speak to Jeff the manager and she put my wife on hold then came back and said we are not going to fumigate our house! when my waife asked why Gina would not tell her. also the owner left a message for Jeff to call him back and he never called the owner back! I don't think this company is an honest company and is out to hurt people. if you ask qustions to them or qustion them they will Screw you over. we had already took the dogs to the cannels and got a hotel room. stayed up tell after 1 am that morning to make sure we did all we could and they still did not care! Jeff did not care about us or seem to care that he lost business! not to mention I also belive they did not want us here when they put up the tent! which is suspect and I would be careful with this company if you use them. do not trust them they lied to our lanlord and was not honest about what happened and told our lanlord they told us that we needed to get rid of the cats for the 3 days. THAT IS A LIE!!! and the guys who came over were rude and mean to us! we have 4 witness to what happened that day. so if you want the truth about this company let me know!!!
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Hours   Phone   (714) 502-9230 Address   1000 East Discovery Lane
Anaheim, CA 92801
Website   http://www.a1bondedtermite.com Email   a1bondedtermite@yahoo.com
Contact   Connie Inman Other  
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