Changed Life
In two years on the program I have found my desire to workout again and have went from 205 and chubby to 185 with a 4 pack showing. At 50 that makes me very happy and I am not trying to suck in my gut taking pictures on family vacation anymore. Feeling better about myself and having the energy to get back into shape has changed other aspects of my life.
My relationship with my wife has been re-sparked. I am no longer tired and struggling to make it through the day. I sleep better and have a better outlook on life in general. I am no longer just passively floating along through life. I just wish I could go back and have one this earlier.
Royal Mens has made this a simple and easy process, adjusting my plan as necessary and with great results. My interactions with the Doctor are so different than my Primary Care Doctor. He listens, we discuss my goals and how I feel and I have input rather than being dismissed and handed a prescription. I wish all Health Care Providers had customer service like this.